
I believe art, design, and color theory are everywhere. As a photographer, I am constantly drawn to the interplay of light, fun patterns, and intriguing corners - even in the most unlikely of places. Bathroom Portraits is a fun personal photography project that I shoot on my iPhone.

Follow the hashtag for more photos. 

Photographer- Aubrie LeGault

Hello! I am a proud Hoosier that graduated in 2005 from Ball State University with a B.A in Photojournalism. Since moving to Oregon 19 years ago, I've fallen in love with Portland's vibrant culture and lifestyle and Oregon's amazing outdoor opportunities.  I'm happy to call Oregon home. 

My husband David and I are often out exploring everything the Northwest has to offer; including camping, water activities, and indulging in delicious food.  Our beloved black lab, Jasper, is typically in tow with us. 

When I'm not on an adventure, you can find me swimming competitively with the Tualatin Hills Barracuda master team, or playing volleyball (both sand and indoor).  

Portland's food and drink scene is the best!  I am honored that I get to be a part of this incredible industry. I'm here to help it grow by showcasing all the wonderful food and beverage Portland (and the Northwest) has to offer. Let me know how I can help your restaurant or product stand out above the rest! 

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